Website Solution

How To Start A New Blog

Blogging about a commodity you know a lot about or love will encourage regular advertisement– thus people will most probably return– and reduce your pen’s block.

Doing What You Love, Know, Or detest Is Great, But Is There A request For The Topic You Want To Blog About?
Do a Google hunt or use Google Keyword Tool to find out if people are searching for your content and affiliated terms.

Google Trends helps to find out how popular a hunt term or word is. Market Samurai is a great tool that I use to find a detailed analysis of the motifs and requests I want to get into.
Forums are also a great source of information to find out what the request needs. druggies there might tell you what information or product they’re looking for or willing to pay for. Or you can ask on the forums what people are after.

Choosing a Blog
Which is Stylish WordPress or Blogger?

Call me prejudiced because I am using WordPress but I have used both of them, and WordPress has impressed me the most– do not hold it against me almighty Google. WordPress has better and further plugins to make life easier and I’m all for it because I am so lazy and technologically challenged.
Now before you rush off to signup for an account with WordPress, if you’re planning on making plutocrat out of your blog or if it’s for a business, you would want to look professional.

URLs similar entry does not look professional and it’s delicate to flash back . To get a free blog, you’re telling your followership that your blog is just a hobbyhorse.
To get your own URL or sphere similar for illustration, you need a hosting provider to host your sphere. Hosting packages generally cover the enrollment of the sphere. Okay, I will admit a little secret when I began, I did not indeed know what a hosting provider was or what it did. Yes, those words technologically challenged comes into mind.

Hosting Providers
I’ve used quite a many hosting providers and there are some good bones
out there. So far, the bones
I like have to be Bluehost and Siteground. I use both of them.

Bluehost offers fantastic, 24 hours online support. I have had some lame newbie problems in the history and they’ve always been there to help me fix the issues– without making me feel like a noob. Bluehost support is fast and dependable. Their prices are enough average. Not the most precious but not the cheapest moreover. But you’ll surely get good support with them– so for someone who’s new to blogs and websites, they’re a benefit.
Siteground is cheap and cheerful. The prices are cheaper than Bluehost, but for a good reason their support is fugitive to say theleast. However, also support does not really matter, If you are confident with websites and blogs. To get hold of a Siteground client service rep online is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. And Siteground has slightly lower features compared to Bluehost. But what they warrant in features, they make up for in price and overallperformance.However, Siteground is the way to go, If you’re on a shoe string budget and want affordable hosting.

So which host is better? It all comes down to your budget and support preference.
Hosting Your Website

Before you register your sphere and get your website hosted, have some backup URL or sphere names in case the bone
you want is formerly taken.
Go Bluehost or Siteground and type in the URL you want that’s available. subscribe up, make payment( credit card or Paypal) and you should admit a welcome dispatch with the login details of your website. It’s worth paying that little redundant$ 10 a time for the WHOIS sequestration protection so people can not find your particular details when they look at who owns the website. And to help them from spamming your dispatch.
Subscribe into your website by going to your hosting provider’s website and login in with your account details.
Then’s where you’ll fluently install WordPress with a many clicks

For Bluehost> Scroll down to Software/ Services section and click on Simple Scripts> Under Blogs heading click on WordPress> Click Install> Fill in details> Bookmark you website’s WordPress login URL– now you have a WordPress blog on your own sphere!
For Siteground> Go Account Section> click CPanel> click Access CPanel typically> Scroll down to Software/ Services section and click on Fantastico De Luxe> Under Blogs click on WordPress> Click on New Installation> Fill in details and click Install WordPress> Bookmark you website’s WordPress login URL– now you have a WordPress blog on your own sphere!
Pick A Template( Design) For Your Blog

Numerous people get upset that they need to know how to design a website in order to have one. But there are templates( for WordPress and Blogger) that are free– with all the design and work done for you.

To pick a free theme, log into your website’s WordPress account( the URL you bookmarked after WordPress was installed) which I will relate to as the” WordPress backend” from now.
On the left panel, under the Appearance tab, click on Themes, click on Install Themes tab across the top, tick the boxes you want or put in name of a design or word and click Find Themes. Once you have set up and settled on a theme, click Install, and also click Install Now button, also click spark and your theme or design should be live on your website now.

Go check it out by codifying your website URL into a new cybersurfer window and have alook.However, you can search for another theme and spark the new one rather, If you don’t like it. You can indeed find the names of the themes you want by doing a Google hunt. Type” Free WordPress Themes pink” or” Paper WordPress Themes” etc with a short description of the style or color you want and you will get lists of themes to choose from.
To customize your blog to the colors you want with your ensigns etc, I will cover that in part three of this post series” How To Customize Your Blog.”

Adding  WordPress  Plugins To Make Your Life Easier

What are WordPress plugins?

WordPress blogs on their own are enough okay for blogging but your point will be enough bare and simple in function. Unless you’re a programmer who can decode everything you need, you are going to want some plugins. Stylish of all, these plugins are free.
What are these plugins and what on earth do they do? The question should be what do not they do? From helping your point run briskly, to helping you add contact forms, insert advertisements, have slide shows, help Google find your point, let you have customized sidebar or menus, bed vids, kill comment spam, make your point proper and much more! numerous programmers have spent time to make these handy plugins to make our lives lightly so we can have further intriguing and better websites so a thank you to all you  WordPress  plugin programmers out there.

To add new plugins to your WordPress backend( without having to install it manually), on the left- hand panel under Plugins tab, click Add New and type in the name of the plugin or the function that you want, and click Hunt Plugins. Find plugin you want and elect Install Now, and also click spark Plugin to begin using it.
These Are My Top 13 Recommended WordPress Plugins To Add

announcement Inserter( by Igor Funa)– works in tandem with Advertising Manager below. Will make your life easier when you monetize your point with advertisements. The last thing I want to do is figure out how to decode the advertisements in a way to make them repeat or sit in a certain area on my point. This plugin makes adding advertisements simple.
Advertising director( by Scott Switzer)– works in tandem with the announcement Inserter over. This useful plugin controls how numerous advertisements to show so you do not get whine slighted by Google Adsense. Google only allows 3 advertisements per runner so this plugin does all the work for you so you do not have to worry about compliance!
Akismet( by Automattic)— weird name but it’s handy to kill off annoying commentary who leave spam on your website! This is formerlypre-installed on all WordPress accounts, you just need to spark it by subscribing up for an API key.
All In One SEO Pack( by Michael Torbert)— will help optimize your website for hunt machines( which is important but more on that in another post).

Comment Link director( by Weberz Hosting)— will make your life easier by letting you manage the links left my observers.

Easy sequestration Policy( by Kevin Sparrow)— a must-have for spots wanting to get on the good side of Google Adsense. This will not guarantee you will get approved but sure helps a little. Plus it’s always professional to let your website callers know how you are going to cover their particular information( and I hope you mean it!)
Fast Secure Contact Form( by Mike Challis)– enough said! structure web forms are a pain in the butt and this plugin does it for you and still gives you inflexibility to customize it if you wish. And it’s secure so it makes me feel all fuzzy and warm. Now you have a” communicate us” form, how professional!

Google XML Sitemaps( by Arne Brachhold)— aids search machines like Google, Yahoo and Bing to indicator your point asap which is important if you want to be set up.
Robots Meta( by Joost de Valk)– Search machines uses dawdlers or web spiders or web robots to” crawl” your website’s runners. This plugin points the bots to the runners that count and avoid the bones
that aren’t.

Sexy Bookmarks( by Shareaholic)— if you look below you will see a social networks panel for people to partake this composition with( like Facebook, Twitter, Digg, LinkedIn, MySpace etc). This is great to encourage people to tell their musketeers and family about your point or papers.

Subscribe To commentary Reloaded( by Camu)— such a small point yet it can be important. It leaves a little box for observers to crack if they wish to follow commentary by other observers. What does that mean and how does it profit you? By subscribing to commentary, it means they want to see what others are saying and return to your website! Encouraging compendiums to come back is a great thing to have!

W3 Total Cache( by Frederick Townes)— Makes your blog cargo briskly! And that in itself is stupendous because Google takes that into account when ranking one’s point. So the briskly your website loads, the better it looks in Google’s eyes.

WordPress Databased Provisory( by Austin Matzko)— This bone
does not bear an explanation. The name tells you just how important it’s to coagulate your website in case your computer crashes or you accidentally mess up your website.
If Your Theme Needs Extra Basic Features

still, these plugins might help( flash back these are voluntary so check your theme first)
If you like your theme but it’s missing some introductory rudiments– like menusetc.
Menubar( by Andrea Tarantini)– some theme inventors forget to put in amenubar.However, this will do the trick, If your theme is one of them.

runner Link director( by Garrett Murphey)– if your theme is missing a menubar, odds are you have no control over which links show up in your navigation menu/ menubar once you add one. Then’s where this plugin will help decide which runners or orders show with a many clicks.

Now What Do I Do Zoe?

You starting jotting and putting content in!

WordPress automatically installs apre-written first post for you. You can either cancel it by writing over it, or opting Add New under Posts tab on the left hand panel.

still, write your” About Me” runner to introduce your blog and yourself to your followership, If you are stuck on what to write for your first post.

I hope this helps your first way in having your veritably own blog.

Coming post Part Two– How To Monetize Your Blog

Hi I am Zoe and I am on my way to living on unresistant income and I am then to show you how you can too.

Visit my website( http// to learn further ways to turn your blog into a success and begin your first way towards fiscal freedom. With free papers, tips, newsletter and further to help you on your blogging adventure.

You do not need a degree or be an good pen to succeed online. You do not have to be rich to begin. You are no way too youthful or too old to start. You do not indeed need to design your website. You just need the desire to begin.

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